Yishan Wong

Ideas about work and life.

Engineering Management & Organizations
- Engineering Management
- Engineering Management - Hiring
- Engineering Management - Process
- Engineering Management - Internal Promotion
- Engineering Management - Tools Are Top Priority
- Engineering Management - Technical Leaders
- The Engineering IT Supply Manifesto
- Delphi Method
General Technical Interest
- Only God Writes Perfect Code
- Encrypting Your Plaintext Passwords
- Great Unsolved Problems In Computer Science
- Will They Use It In Peoria?
- My LASIK Experience
- Things I've Learned About Cooking and Food Expiration Dates
- The Secret to Career Success
- Things I Learned From My Wife's Screenwriting Education, Part I
- Things I Learned From My Wife's Screenwriting Education, Part II
- LJMatch Anecdotes
About Me

Terraformation: 2020
reddit: 2012
Facebook: 2005 [patents]
PayPal: 2001
Carnegie Mellon University: 1997

Find me on Reddit or Quora.